This Site does “not” sell houses
Talk through the "Diagnostic immobilier"
The sole aim is to help you make the right decision
It is not my aim to deter any would be buyer, from making a purchase. I wish only to assist House Hunters in deciding as to whether the general condition of the property, is within both their physical and financial expectations. Any problem areas concerning the property, that might have escaped their notice, not excluding location or local market value, I look to pick up on and would offer my experienced opinion.
I am totally Independent of all Estate Agents – French or English
"Imagine this"
You’ve a Builder friend - With long experience Renovating in France (Even before Internet).
Who new the region that interested you - Who also had some Property Sales background
Who you would expect, to be in a good position, to offer an unbiased opinion
Icing on the cake, your friend also Spoke French
(Could be useful)
Surely, you'd want him alongside you
To view your after all, future home !
Offer an opinion on the "Diagnostic"
Would his input not be valuable ?
Before jumping in
If you're in unknown territory - "Peut-être" a second opinion could be useful
Even to simply bounce the ball off the wall
For many a year, I've been the guy people call up "after" jumping in
And all too often, I find myself being the bearer of bad news
In the end - A "doer-upper" is one thing
But sometimes, what I see - "Je désespère".
All that's important, is that you have a realistiic idea, just what you're buying
Even whereabouts you're buying and a sense of true local property prices
Most property in back of beyond France, appears cheap against the UK Market
Always remember - Local demand "or lack of", determines the "True French Buyers market value"
Don't let your chosen area become the Cornwall or Wales of France.
So, to share some observations, after 30 or so years in France...
"There's absolutely no need for panic buying"
A line of "French" Prospective Buyers for property far from major towns is more than rare !
There are bags of available old properties in isolated locations
Renovating rural stone property is far more expensive than a town house
And please - Take your "Back home" head off
Above all (to repeat) - Don't compare with the UK
Therefore, about what I can offer
As I’m winding down in my role in property renovation
No longer seriously looking, for future renovation projects
(I can of course help out a little with basic essentials, if you're in stuck)
I can be your impartial eyes, ears and helping hand in France
Check me out on my 23 year old Website